About Me

I am Corin Urquhart

Niroc is Corin backwards.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments!

I have been a maker since I was old enough to swing a hammer. My grandfather had a box of tools in his garage for my brother and I to use and from my earliest memories, hammering, nailing and sawing wood feature prominently. Mostly making new and improved “Billy Carts” (Maybe they are called Box Carts in America?) I would steal my mothers balsa wood and make my own rubber band powered aircraft. I forged my first knife from a nail when I was about 12 and I still love making and repairing.

I made my first knife from a blade blank in around 2002, and am probably best known for the manufacture of barrel knives. I will write some blog posts on that subject as time goes on!

I work full time. This little venture is my hobby. I have been the General Manager of Gameco PTY LTD since 2013. I started at Gameco in 1999 as a Gas Cylinder Test Station Operator. I am best known for starting the Gameco Artisan Supplies Business division in 2012. www.artisansupplies.com.au

Over the last decades I have assisted many hundreds of people on their making journey. Whether it was making their first knife, machining, help, advice or providing tools and materials from my hoard. I really love the Australian Maker Community.

In 2013 Keith Fludder and I founded the Knife Art Association (KAA) and together with our membership, this not for profit association has now grown to manage and run; The Sydney Knife Show, The Brisbane Knife Show, The Adelaide Knife Show, The Perth Knife Show, and The Australian Blade Symposium. I currently volunteer my time as the Treasurer of the KAA. I have served on this committee since its founding.

I am a full member of the Australian Knifemakers Guild (AKG) and have volunteered my time as Secretary and committee member.

You can find me on Instagram @corin_at_gameco or @my_opinion_is_my_art

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NirocHammer

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@corinkayaker

Here are some videos of some of my builds and collaborations.

2 thoughts on “About Me”

    • Hi Mate,
      Pattern options are seen by selecting the options in the product pages, but doing a comprehensive range of patterns in a catalogue or Gallery is a great idea and I will look into it.
      Basically I can make just about anything into a patterned knurl. Also regarding copper tools, yes, I can certainly look at it subject to your requirement send me an email and lets talk!


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