I have just released my new Blade Straightening Hammer made with tungsten carbide, and people are asking, how is it used? It does not look like a hammer? Does it work? Can I insert it into…… etc etc. Look what you do with your purchase is your own business but the story behind these is simple. Neil Paskin (youtube: PaskMakes), Jackson Rumble (AKA Humble Rumble, or just “MASTER”) and myself (AKA Niroc, AKA Corin Urquhart) went to Shawn McIntyre’s (AKA Grand MASTER McIntyre) workshop to do a course in making slip joint folding knives. Whilst doing this course we used a carbide hammer to straighten our blades. It is this hammer that the “Chook” is modeled off. Some people think it is called the “Chook” because you use it to peck the blade like a chook pecks at its food, but really its a reference to choking your chicken and I am not proud. Or ashamed.
Here is the video Neil made of such a hammer being used….. Note the small taps… “The pecking motion” (not “pecker” get your mind out of the gutter) Shawn uses this on his bowies as well as folding knives and the process is the same. It just takes more tapping.